Project Description

Addiction is a gradual process that creates psychological and/or physical dependence toward a specific substance or action. Abuse continues despite negative consequences. Long term use leads to changes in the brain’s biochemistry and structure. Besides substances, dependency can develop toward other things, such as porn, shopping, love, food and many others.

Discontinuing drug use begins with detox, which is usually lasts a week. With certain substances, such as alcohol, pain killers, and heroin, it is crucial that the detox is medically supervised to prevent seizures and risk of death. It is important to note that detox is only the first step toward sobriety. With long term abuse, changes in the brain prevent the person from experiencing pleasure in any way. Regaining the ability to experience pleasure can take up to two years, depending on the type of substance and the length of abuse. An important part in addiction treatment is for the client to be educated on the brain changes that occur during addiction and early sobriety.

Addicts usually stop developing socially and emotionally while using, as they use the substance to solve any problem or stressful situation they may have, thus not having the opportunity to develop healthy coping skills. Therefore it is key for the client to learn coping skills in order to achieve long term sobriety. A third crucial part of addiction treatment is the adequate support from friends, family, and the commitment to attend groups, such as AA. The best chance of recovery comes to those who attend individual, group therapy, and psychiatric monitoring. As a substance abuse specialist, I can help you set realistic goals and learn healthy stress reduction coping skills.

I provide mental health counseling for individuals, couples and families. Sessions are scheduled by appointment only. Please contact me at +359 887 601219 or through skype.